This too shall pass...
How I’m waiting for February to end...! After reading my trip blog, you’d imagine it was a fun 4 weeks for me this month. In reality, I’ve had a rather difficult time this month with my health. It began with having to endure walking with skin tears next to my wound/site of amputation on my weight bearing area. during the early part of my trip in the first week of February. I powered through with most of my plans because I’ve had an unsaid rule since my childhood. Never say never. The minute I decide to give up on doing what I want to because I’m in pain, I’ll be over. The first time I may give up and decide to take rest indoors for something very painfful or serious. The next time it may be something I can put up with and I may end up feeling why should I when I can avoid it. This will then become a way of life because hey! As an amputee you're never really expecting a time when you’re devoid of problems entirely.. So that’s my golden rule. Don’t let anything stop yo...